Shastha Foods

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Shastha Foods would like to inform all customers about the nature of Alphonso mangoes and an important disclaimer regarding the same. Alphonso mangos are highly regarded for its unique texture, rich flavor, and high nutritional value. However, it is important to recognize that it may also have a common internal pulp defect known as ‘Spongy Tissue.’

Spongy Tissue is a physiological disorder that causes the breakdown of the pulp, and it is not detectable from the outside. It means that you can only identify the issue by cutting the fruit open.

It is important to understand that while a mango may have spongy tissue in some places, the rest of the fruit can still be fine and edible. We want to emphasize the significance of recognizing this irregularity associated with Alphonso Mangoes.

Since this spongy tissue syndrome in Alphonso mangoes cannot be detected by visual inspection, Shastha Foods will not be responsible for refunding or replacing any Alphonso mangoes affected by spongy tissue. 

This means that you will be buying Alphonso Mangoes at your own risk. At the same token, we would like to assure you that our vendors are highly reliable and are conversant with produce types, risks and inspection process. However, Nature charts its own course.

We are

Shastha Foods is one of the largest producers of freshly ground and naturally fermented savory batters in the U.S. with over 160 million Dosas/Idlis served. Our journey began in 2002 in San Jose, CA with a small operation to produce home-style, completely natural and vegetarian batters that are perfect for crepes, pancakes and steamed dumplings.

We wanted to explore the advantages of fermented foods, mentioned in Ayurvedic text thousands of years ago. Fermented food has a cultural connotation in India and represents the traits of ancient Indian wisdom. They are known for their probiotic content and overall well-being.

At Shastha Foods, we’ve created a line of ready-to-cook products and a wide variety of Indian staples like rice, millets, coffee, sweets and snacks.

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Our Technology

We believe customer experience is the best way to build brand awareness. Shastha Now is an initiative that will allow customers to order and get the products the same day.

Our csr activity

Building a community, supporting and fostering relationships has been at the heart of our vision. We contribute to more than 100 charities and sponsor events throughout the year. Our work with the disability kids at Inclusive World has been ground-breaking.